Latest News
Dino Nikias celebrates 97th Birthday
Dino Nikias celebrates 97th Birthday, discusses the keys to his success in the Canberra community since arriving more than seven decades ago.
Nikias diamond attains iso accreditation
Nikias Diamond is proud to announce our attainment of ISO accreditation in three key areas.
Nikias Diamond partners with Bronte Group on the delivery of their latest commercial project
Nikias Diamond is excited to be a sponsor of one of Canberra Croatia FC’s Kanga Cup sides this year.
Nikias Diamond sponsors Canberra Croatia 2023 Kanga Cup team
Nikias Diamond is excited to be a sponsor of one of Canberra Croatia FC’s Kanga Cup sides this year.
Nikias Diamond helps bring Good Works Garden in Fyshwick to life
The team from Nikias Diamond are excited to have been able to play a part in bringing the new Good Works Garden initiative in Fyshwick to life.
Symmetry Denman unveiled as construction now complete
Our largest residential project to date has been unveiled as Symmetry Denman construction now complete.
Construction Complete on Everist Street Villas in Taylor
Our work on the residential Everist Street Villas project in Taylor on behalf of the team from Bronte Group is now complete!
Construction begins on new residential project Elia, taylor
The team here at Nikias Diamond has this week begun construction on our brand new project being completed in conjunction with Bronte Group - Elia in Taylor.
Denman Village Community Centre & Early Learning Centre project finalist in mba awards 2022
Our Denman Village Community Centre & Early Learning Centre project Denman Prospect and Capital Airport Group has been listed as a finalist in 2022 MBA Awards.
Denman village Community & Early Learning Centre unveiled
Nikias Diamond unveils the brand new Denman Community & Early Learning Centre set to open to the community in early 2022.
Construction begins on Everist Street Villas in Taylor
The team here at Nikias Diamond has this week begun construction on the brand new project being completed in conjunction with Bronte Group - Everist Street Villas in Taylor.
Isuzu Canberra unveils new facilities completed by Nikias Diamond
The Canberra Isuzu team recently unveiled their brand new facilities completed by the team here at Nikias Diamond, located just over the border in Queanbeyan, New South Wales.
Construction on Lincoln Rise Display Homes now complete
Nikias Diamond is excited to unveil two recently completed full-scale display homes as part of the upcoming Lincoln Rise project being completed in conjunction with Bronte Group.
Turning of the sod for the Denman Community & Childcare Centre
Nikias Diamond was excited to take part in the turning of the sod ceremony for the upcoming Denman Community & Childcare Centre being completed by our team in Denman Village.